Life transitions begins right from birth to death which affect everyone living on earth today
Life is full of mysteries and events affecting every living thing. Sometimes it leaves behind sweet memories in our lives, sometimes too a very unpleasant one. Life transitions occur naturally and so we must learn how to embrace each of it.
Here, I would like to talk about the four major important life transitions and other minor ones we go through. However, it is not everyone who enjoys all these major transitions in life.
Breaking Down The Mystery Of Life Transitions
1. Birth
First and foremost, the earliest life transition every person goes through is “birth” or “birth ceremony”.The moment you are born, the world welcomes you as a new gift to your parents and family.
In Africa for instance every new-born baby is named on the weekday of his/her birth. The reason for the week interval is to decide whether the baby is just a visitor or on earth to stay. Witnesses are to dress in white clothes because it’s a new life transition celebration that is a good omen.
A ceremony is held inviting both families of the couple and here the father brings out the name he wants his child to bear, say “Fred” in addition to his surname, let’s say “Thompson”.
The clan head holds the baby, puts three drops of alcohol or water on his tongue mentioning his name three times. The significance of this is for the child to be truthful when he grows up. He is expected to be honest about everything he sees.
This kind of life transition ceremony is popular with the Akan tribe in Ghana. I do believe there are different ceremonies or recognition of a new human in a particular family all over the world. At least everyone was once welcomed into this world by his/her family with a family name.
2. Puberty
The next important life transition is puberty. This is about the growth of people from childhood to adulthood. It begins from adolescence age(13 – 19). Around this age, people begin to notice physical changes like growing of pubic hair, breaking of voice for boys, and menstrual cycle for girls. There are other significant changes that happen naturally.
The above two stages are very common and almost all of us have gone through it, the only variations would be in the kind of ceremony performed for us during the outdooring.
3. Marriage
In furtherance, when we turn into adults we begin to have responsibilities by working to pay utility bills, taxes, buy food, clothes, and all our basic needs.
This then ushers us to the third most important life transition in this world. However, with this one, it depends on personal preference as one can choose not to include in his or her life. This transition is a marriage or marriage ceremony.
Falling in love is natural and finding a life partner is morally, religiously, and culturally accepted in almost every country.
I think this is the sweetest part of life transition to the person in question. Marriage ceremony officially unites a man and a woman as husband and wife.
Many people struggle all their lives to make preparations for this kind of life transition to earn the title Mr. And Mrs. Here a religious leader or government official authenticates it and makes it legal with support from both parents of the couple. The fruit of marriage is children.
Children perfect marriages and make it beautiful. In cases where bearing children becomes difficult, it reduces happiness in the marriage. But whatever the case is, life must go on for the couples for them to fulfill their vow “till death do us apart”.
All of these life transitions are very important but the saddest thing in life which is death is something that plunges people into sorrows. After life journey, people have to go back to dust and rest.
4. Death
The death ceremony helps friends, family members, and sympathizers say good-bye to the deceased. This very transition is inevitable unlike the rest I have mentioned. It is very sad, yet worthy because no one on earth has to be immortal.
The death ceremony also differs from culture to culture, religion to religion, and countries to countries but in all, the most important thing is to bury the dead body in the ground.
Everyone alive would taste death. What may be of a simple memory about you is your memorial card and other staff.
However, it is not everyone who receives a proper farewell ceremony but so far as the dead body enters the ground there wouldn’t be anything to complain about. The dead body could be cremated and that is the same thing.
As we live now we can enjoy the third life transition I have raised in this article, “marriage”.It lasts for a lifetime until there is divorce or death. There are many rules and regulations that govern it, arbitration of any of them dents its reputation and happiness.
After considering all these life transitions, there are minor ones that also affect us. These include recovery from illness, financial breakthrough, acquisition of jobs, behavior change, ideological change, and a lot more. All these together constituents what is known as a life transition.
Importance Of These 4 Life Transitions
Now I want us to consider how important these minor life transitions can do for our lives by having great impacts on us.
Someone could be transformed by receivingg healings to his illness and this would be an unforgettable life transformation in the person’s life, especially if the sickness or the disease was a chronic one.
This is a painful experience or feelings that turn into a joyous one which relieves the person from uncomfortable situations to a pleasant one.
Some could be jobless for several years even though he has applied for a job on several occasions but to no avail, leaving him in desperation and loss of hope The moment this person finally gets a job after searching for years he becomes relieved and happy.
This then begins the turning point of his life because through Job he can fulfill all his future goals. He would get salaries to pay for rents, bills and provide for his family as well as making expenses on other important items and services.
Money earned from the job acquisition could turn his life into a Paradise. Money does all things as we all know but not all things that money can buy. Think of real love, peace, patience, life, etc.
As for behavior change, it is inherent so a change is an impeccable breakthrough that deserves an ovation. Let’s take a nagging woman who has shown strange behaviors towards her husband stealing all the happiness from the husband.
In a situation like this when the husband notices a great positive change of behavior in his wife he would surely feel happy for his transformed woman. It brings happiness back into marriage.
I believe reading helpful quotes such as these life changed quotes can help many to understand why going through personal growth is important.
The Bottom-line
In conclusion, life transitions come in many forms, it could be physical, emotional, or spiritual which mostly results in a positive impact on the person in question. It is one of the important events in human lives.
At least we all love to see everything that is our heart-desire to yield good or have good effects on us. The final result brings happiness as a sense of relief to make life beautiful.
Nobody can’t live on earth without experiencing any form of life transition, situations could turn from good to bad though, but I would not call it life transition because I believe all life transitions have to be positive apart from inevitable death.
But religiously, there are a lot of benefits in that because the dead person has to rest in peace, wait for his judgment to enter into heaven. That is highly hoped for, but a sinner would definitely not go to heaven.
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