Nature has revealed God’s greatness to us, so we need to praise his name, worship and adore his name for he is worthy. There is none
Tag: Religion
Is The Love Of Money The Root Of All Kinds Of Evil In Life? (1 Timothy 6:10)
In life, we all need money to buy almost everything we need but how to earn it plunges many people into destruction. The Bible has forewarned
Finding Out If It Is A Sin For Christians To Use Digital Bibles
Digital bibles have made millions of Christians forget about the paper bible, and is it doing us any good? Has your mind ever wandered far
The Face You Make When You Find Out That Gossip Is A Sin
The world has blindfolded many of us to know why gossip is a sin against God.In life,we view it as normal, but it is not
The Power Of Faith In God Can Move Mountains
A Christian who lives a faithless life doesn’t deserve the name “child of God.” Christianity is all about the power of faith in God. This
The Reward For Loving Your Enemies
Loving your enemies is one of the hardest thing in life for everyone on this earth Today, the biblical lesson is about the reward joy
5 Reasons Why It Is Good To Give
Know about why it is good to give out something to someone without expecting anything in return In a world of 7 billion people, we are
Joseph And Potiphar’s Wife -Sexual Purity(Genesis 39)
The story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife has a huge lesson for our generation in terms of sexual purity and faithfulness Joseph and Potiphar’s wife: Joseph was
Know About How God Makes Guardian Angels Work For Us
Guardian angels are so real that, they work hard to execute God’s messages to us. God sends them to help us. They can come in