Almost everyone you see today is working hard or struggling to attain something bigger in life. None wants to be dependent on anyone. But it takes a whole lot of planning and hard work. However, with God, all things are possible so he has declared to make you the head but not the tail. All you need to do is to obey and trust him. Success and happiness would be yours.
Would you believe if I tell you, you will be the head and not the tail? This is not a direct phrase from me but the Bible with substantial meaning. It reveals one of God’s amazing plans for His obedient children. He delights in our happiness. But that doesn’t mean we are never meant to face hardships. It’s part of the life journey.
Update: I’ve created an adorable video on this topic in my new YouTube channel, you may watch it through this link.
Often I try my best to make it simple and understandable for all Christian believers around the world. What am I referring to? I’m talking about God’s amazing plan to unload you from all the burdens and pains heaped on your head.
You may be interested to read my article about God’s promises to make you happy and successful. If there is anyone you could trust in him unconditionally, then there is none like God —The Rock of ages.
Today is the moment you have to uplift your faith to reclaim all the happiness, wealth, success, peace, health, favor, etc. you have unknowingly allowed the Devil to steal from you. You have been destined for greatness.
This is a very crucial topic and so anything a Christian handles it —he or she must be very careful. You see, the quote in context is one of the commonest used in the “prosperity gospel.”
Eish, did I hear someone mention Joel Osteen and co?… Being happy or successful in life is not mandatory. But depends on the grace of God. May God’s grace find you in this respect. Amen!
Take a minute, sit down, and contemplate why God brought you to this world… there is a purpose filled with happiness. Your adversary, the Devil; also known as Lucifer is constantly fighting against your happiness. Why?. Because you have chosen to believe in God.
Being The Head Or Prosperous In All Your Endeavours
This very quote “you will be the head but not the tail” has been popularized by our generation through the media and other various platforms.
As believers, we must not be obsessed with material needs. Instead, be more focused on the spiritual blessings. I’m not trying to discourage you from chasing your lofty goals. But it simply goes like —God first and everything else shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). God is the head of everything. So put him first.
By saying you will be the head, God wants you to capture this and believe:
“He lifts the weak from the dust; he raises the poor from the ash heap to seat them with princes and to bestow on them an honored position. The foundations of the earth belong to the LORD, and he has placed the world on them” (1 Samuel 2:8).
I really don’t know if there is any other source to tell us where it could be found apart from the Bible. However, both Christians and non-Christians seem to love this Bible verse. It sends direct inspiration and hopes to the Spirit living in us.
Indeed I have talked a lot about how God has purposed our lives for greater things. He wants you to be happy despite all the challenges that will crop up in your life. You can conquer it all.
Your creator has declared: “You will be the head but not the tail.” How does this resonate with your spirit?. Is there any condition attached to it? Keep on reading…
It is one of the several encouraging words I used to ponder on daily some time ago. These positive words can have a lot of influence on your life if you make them a daily habit.
Remember the simple fact that; the tongue is a soft tissue but full of power. Use it wisely. Declare healings, restoration, and God’s favor in your life.
Learn how to affirm success, happiness, good health, and positive transformation in your life. Be the head, not the tail, this is what God wants you to be. Fulfill it with pride.
Have patience and read this eye-opening truth from a Biblical perspective. Before you finish reading; you will never underestimate your potentials as a true believer of God.
If you have forgotten about who you are in Christ Jesus, I am here to remind you —so that you quickly take up the full armor of God and start fighting the good fight. The Bible states:
“The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always end up at the top and not at the bottom if you obey his commandments which I am urging you today to be careful to do” (Deuteronomy 28:13).
But before I go any further, I feel prompted to give you a word of caution from the same Bible; It is about the curse of reversed status.
This is purposely for anyone who disobeys God. Instead of claiming victory by being the head, not the tail, the vice-versa will be your portion. Have a look:
“He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail!” (Deuteronomy 28:44).
God was sending this warning to his Children (Israelites). In our modern age, this same caution applies to us!
Why The Head And Not The Tail?
This takes us straight to the part of the covenant blessings God bestowed on his children (Israelites). Today any obedient Christian believer partakes in these blessings. He is the same God we worship. He never changes. His unfailing love always draws us closer to him.
God says you will be the head transcends a powerful inspiration to anyone who confides in him. It’s quite self-explanatory, right? Oh OK let me enlighten you on this in the simplest way.
The head as a symbolic object in this very Bible verse in question contains the organs of hearing, seeing, tasting, and smell; it is also made up of the brain, which is supposed to be the focal point of the intellectual powers, and sensation. This simply means the head is the chief or the most essential part of the whole body of a person.
Just as we know a man is the head of a family and Christ Jesus is the head (chief cornerstone) of the Church. Note this: I debunk any acclamation of a man being a master of a wife and a wife being a slave to her husband. Feeling curious? Read my post that explains why a wife should not be a servant to her husband.
Being the head but not the tail means you have been resourced with everything you need. It includes both material and spiritual needs.
Your worth could be a blessing to others. Just like how God blessed Abraham and his descendants – so as he can bless you and all your families.
You could be the point of contact that God will shower blessings on all your descendants or anyone who comes close to you. You would be favored wherever you find yourself.
As you embrace the blessings of being the head, good things will flourish in your life. You will never be dependent on anyone for money, happiness, etc. God will supply you with all your needs abundantly in a way that mankind wouldn’t be able to provide.
Apostle Paul said God will supply all his needs according to his riches. And that is true and very encouraging for all believers.
On the other hand, the tail is non-functional without the head. It generates power for survival from the head.
God never wants you to be a tail. So far as you entrust in him… Up you go!. He helps those who call up to him in times of trouble.
Believe that he is always on your side irrespective of the number of challenges that come your way. The Bible says in Romans 8:28 that in all the difficulties he works out the best for you.
“And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
You may need to keep the faith lighted up always. Because faith is the foundation of every Christian’s authenticity. Stay blessed and don’t forget to share with loved ones and friends.
Below is an inspiring sermon video I’ve created on YouTube:
I welcome your comments and feedback. Stay blessed!
Just an FYI the scripture for what you are elaborating on is not Deuteronomy 13:28 it’s Deuteronomy 28:13.
Hello Sandra, Thank you so much for drawing my attention to this. I’ve fixed it. God bless you.