Change Your Life

Has anyone cautioned you to change your life for whatever reason?. The person might be right or wrong about you. You first have to put your conscience at work.


Here are simple ways to teach you how to change your life to enjoy real happiness and success
Learn how to change your life to enjoy real success and happiness. Be dynamic in life.

 Why Change?

Time To Learn how to change your entire life for the best?. Often anyone who will inform you to change your life has noticed something unethical or inappropriate about you. Our parents often advise us to change our lifestyles for good, not for bad. If you decide to employ changes in any part of your life then it’s a perfect idea. Go ahead, make changes.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
– George Bernard Shaw

A change is something good for everyone but it doesn’t happen so easily. As multi-cellular organisms, our bodies go through a series of changes. These changes include our behaviors, knowledge, and beliefs. You can never be the same person over a period of years so far as aging is inevitable.

Are You Ready To Change?

Without elaborating much, I would like to go straight to the point and share with you some insightful reasons why you must learn how to change. This kind of change is not limited to your life alone, but your interaction with other people.

If you don’t like something about yourself, know how to change. It is quite easier for changing your life than changing someone else’s lifestyle or behavior. Don’t even try it, some peoples character is inherent and how can you change it. It will cost you a lot.

Ensuring a change is more complex when it has to deal with ‘addiction.’ You will need more than a single approach to kill such kind of addiction. It is possible only if you are determined.

Learning How To Change

There is a saying that everything happens for a reason. And so yes, there must be some reasons why you want to know how to change your life or something. Certainly, something seems unpleasant or worrisome for you.

Yes, you, not any other person. Before I go any further, let me draw your attention to this simple facts:

⇒ People change for a reason
⇒ Human behavior is not subjected to experiment
⇒ People change when they meet different people

1. Asses Yourself
The body is your body, you know how it feels ( he who wears the shoe knows where it pinches), the life is yours, you know how it feels like going about your daily routines.

When I talk about how to change your life, I expect a positive kind of chance. That is from the worst to the best and from the ‘uncomfortable zone’  to ‘comfort zone.’

There are many factors that could compel you to change. You need to analyze them and fix whatever has been inadequate or unproductive. After looking through into your life make a list of your;

1. Self
2. Relationships
3. Job/career
4. Future plans

Now let me take it one by one and digest them into your basic understanding.

1. Your Self In Question
You are the subject in question. You know exactly what you don’t like about yourself. If it’s an addiction such as alcoholism, loneliness, inferiority complex, pornography, lies, etc – You need to put yourself under strict discipline. Read success stories from those who conquered such kind of addiction and follow their steps.

I have already shared valuable information about how to deal with an inferiority complex, fear, loneliness and laziness in my old posts.

You may visit the IQ-MATRIX to master how to overcome addiction.

2. Your Relationships
Continuing with your relationships, take a look into your family life, is it exactly what you want?. The family is the immediate environment you learned how to talk, eat, and all the values and virtues in life.

Learn how to change your life now
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou

The moment you figure out that things ain’t good with you and your family members, change your style of correspondence with them without hurting anyone’s feelings. More importantly, you must focus on what will bring genuine happiness in your life. Always make sure you change for good.

You then have to know how to change any unfruitful relationships with your so-called lover. Any relationship that drains your energy and happiness should be of the past. Burn bridges without a second thought.

If you think the ties are so strong to cut and forget about it. DO THESE:

♦. Change your environment: Changing your residence temporary or permanent will help you embrace a new life altogether. You will meet new people who will spice your life with a different flavor of friendship and correspondence.

♦. Discipline yourself to kill any memories of that unfruitful relationship. If you seriously want to know how to change the way you live on certain memories, be brave enough to kill it immediately it surfaces in your mind. You can do that to end your past unpleasant feelings. You can also pretend it did not happen.

In addition, anything or any object that reminds you of the past should be eliminated in your life. Things such as photographs, clothes, necklaces, music etc. You need a new life to start again with something new.

3. Your Job/Carrer
Being employed in any job has its own cons and pros. There would be things that will drive you nuts, you need to keep silent and comprehend because you are not ready to lose your job. I don’t think it is reasonable to keep on doing a job you have no interest in any longer. You need to change your job if it steals your happiness.

Before you take that step, be sure you have secured a different job elsewhere. Done!, pack your bag and luggage and enjoy that change of job. If possible you can ask for a transfer to a different branch of your company.

In the case of your private business, you need not stress at all. You are the Boss, so decide to restructure your time, production level and all the working conditions in place.

The golden goal is to maximize profit so ensure proper time management, investment, and hard work. If you would need to work overtime, why not. If you would need more hands, why not?. Entrepreneurs who know how to change the course of their careers to meet market demands are always one step ahead of success.

4. Your Dreams/Future
It is good to plan for the future. It may surprise you to know that almost everyone in this world is thinking about the future. The question is, ‘what are they thinking about?.’

Day in a day out, things around us changes: inflation, rules, environment and even people do change. You must also be dynamic, adjust your future plans to suit the trend of life. But be focused on exactly what you want to achieve.

Is your plan about putting your body in good shape? or it’s about buying your dream house, car? etc. Know how to change anything that hinders your dreams.


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