Knowing how to renew your mind each day through the scripture can bring genuine happiness, success, fulfillment, and blessings into your life.
I understand a lot of people, especially Christians find it difficult to change their bad habits because it has become and addiction. It is time you learn how to renew your mind by using the scriptures. It is sad to see professed Christians struggling to overcome bad experiences in their past.
Your thoughts, in general, can potentially make you happy, sad, successful, or a failure. And it all depends on what you feed into that mind of yours.
Knowing how to admit your sins and shortcomings requires you to seek God’s help and protection. Renewing your mind through the usage of Bible verses would put your entire life on the safest place through our Lord Jesus Christ. A clear conscience helps in attracting success, favor, and the Lord’s protection.
It is obvious, a lot of people are suffering from the afflictions of negative energies that reside within them and around their environment. You might unknowingly be one of them.
Why? because you have failed to cleanse your mind and heart for the Lord to take charge of your life. You have failed to let go of all the bitterness and garbage in your heart.
Well, in this post I would like to share with you some of the best ways to clean your mind and heart from sin, bad memories, and negative energies. God, Himself want you to renew your mind:
“Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect” (Romans:12:2 NET).
Renewing your mind every single day with positive thoughts will surely reflect throughout your life. When your mind is at peace, your lofty goals become more clear for you to pursue. Having a clean mindset creates space for the Spirit of God to direct your path.
Why Is It Difficult For People To Renew Their Minds?
Research from Dr. Bruce Lipton, who happens to be a professional neurologist found out that, many people can’t renew their minds for something better because of how they were trained up.
Right from childhood, this person has been indoctrinated to believe in false philosophies, theories, practices, and a whole lot of misconceptions. The truth has been turned upside down.
When a habit or a belief grows deep inside the subconscious mind, it becomes difficult to break. For instance, someone might be made to believe that he is ugly, unintelligent, poor, a failure, etc right from childhood. The subconscious mind then programs it and it becomes part and parcel of the said person.
If you need more helpful gems, I recommend reading life-changing books and other content such as inspirational quotes that can change your life.
Again, you can break such a negative mindset through prayers, positive affirmations, and believe that you were born to be the head, not the tail.
It is up to you to make a strong decision to know how to renew your mind from all the lies, sins, bad memories, and misconceptions through the word of God.
Paving Way For The Devil Destroys Your Personality And Identity In Christ Jesus
The major target here is your mind, together with your heart. If you allow the Devil to take charge, then everything that comes out of it would be filthy and evil.
“For out of the heart come evil ideas, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander” (Matthew 15:19 NET).
A scientific study has revealed that the heart and the mind form a wonderful symbiosis in the sense that; they all contain the same kind of neurons. Additionally, the heart is said to have it’s own “brain.”
So it is in your own interest to allow God or Satan to be the focal point of your life by giving your heart to whom you choose. The one who takes charge of your heart would take charge of your mind too. Just pay much attention to that little voice that whispers in your head.
Yes! That is your conscience speaking. You would be able to differentiate the voice of God from that of Satan. The Holy Ghost will continually convict you of your wrongdoings and direct you to lead a righteous life.
How often do you clean your hearts and mind for the Lord to stay with you?. Many Christians living today can’t simply pray continuously(1 Thessalonians 5:17) to get rid of spiritual afflictions and sins that corrupt the heart.
We can’t always blame the Devil for mesmerizing our minds to keep on sinning. Instead of blaming the Devil; take the necessary steps that will clean you from your sinful behavior. Is there anything that God cannot do?.
Go down on your knees and talk to him. Season your prayers with fasting and surely the Lord will blow out whatever is messing up with your life.
How To Renew Your Mind Using The Scripture —Don’t Get Too Attached To Your Past Life
How pity it sounds for a Christian to say “I have repented from this and that.” And the next day he backslides?. Are you serious? My friend, get ready to crucify your body for God. In fact, Christianity is not for sissies as said by Jonny Cash —You must be a real man to deal with the challenges that will crop up in your life.
You can’t lead a fruitful life if your dirty past life is still hanging around your neck. It is obvious to deduct from the lifestyle of many Christians that; they are moving around with the spirit of unforgiveness, lust, anger, jealousy, bitterness, fear, etc.
These things corrupt the heart and make your body a slave to sin. They blindfold you from seeing the beautiful future the Lord has set for you.
Pray for the strength to forgive your trespassers, pray for the strength to overcome addictions such as lust, masturbation, anger, alcoholism, etc.
I know a couple of guys who can’t simply let go of the past. If you keep on holding unto the bad experiences you have had in the past, you would not see any progress in your life.
You may have gone through a painful situation such as broken heart, rejection, depression, loss of a loved one, etc. All these negative feelings should be a thing of the past.
And to get rid of them, start renewing your mind using the scriptures by thinking positive and praying for strength to overcome all your anxieties. Any Christian who wants to know how to renew his mind must read the scriptures, pray for wisdom and understanding.
Prayer especially is capable of healing all your pains and capable of giving you the insights to live a fruitful life. When the Lord blesses you, no one can bring you down.
If you ever lose the direction or become ignorant about what is plunging you into darkness; ask God to open your eyes to see your mistakes, sins, weaknesses, and fix them as soon as possible.
Great post thank you for reminding me of the renewal of mind through scripture