Sex Discrimination In The Work Place:How Does It Affects Our Lives?

Sex discrimination in the work place should become a thing of the past.There are women who have proved sex discrimination  tactics wrong. It is time the government, companies and work avenues open up.


Sex discrimination in the work place
Sex discrimination in the work place is a major challenge for women

In most cases, women are the victims. This shouldn’t become the case. It is becoming too much in our societies.Many employees today prefer men over women.This kind of discrimination is not helpful at all.

Imagine a man and a woman who have gone to school with the same academic qualifications. What makes employers choose men over women?.Meanwhile, the woman is capable of doing the job.

Sex discrimination in the work place has become women’s greatest grievance for long. “African Paradise World” believes it is time to end this discrimination. It takes a lot of women  activists and interested personels to fight for equality.

We all need good jobs.That is why we go to school. That is why we learn trade to do that particular job.But, how come there is sex discrimination in the work place?.There is no logical answer to this.

Let’s take how governments  of many countries work.The job is assigned to a lot of men.It is very hard to see women occupy political positions. This has happened in many countries.It is unfair. If the government is refusing to employ more women;Then who should employ them?.

The government has a major role to end sex discrimination at work places. The only way is to set an example for other employers to follow.Institutions,companies and other businesses must be encouraged to avoid sex discrimination. We all share equal right. Job opportunities should become available for all genders.

Before sex discrimination in the work place is  eradicated, a lot should be done. Greater job lies on human right activists and women activists.A fair chance for all genders to work in  all work places will help our mothers, sisters,daughters and wives.

Reasons Why Sex Discrimination In The Work Place  Happens Easily

Sex discrimination and employment has existed for long. Some reasons are fueled by religious beliefs.Some religions believe that women must not  do what men do.This beliefs suppresses women.It makes them inferior to men. It is so hard to change the mentality.Because, beliefs are so strong  and you can’t change it easily.

Others too don’t believe in the capabilities of women. So they will never employ women to occupy higher positions.At least we have women who are ruling some countries. Example is the president of Liberia(Ellen Johnson). Again,Theresa Mary May was the Prime Minister of UK in 2016.There are many more women who have proved sex discrimination in the work place wrong.

In summary,our generation must end sex discrimination in the work place.It feels awkward if you are a woman seeking for employment you quality, and your employer rejects you.Simply because you are a woman.

How would you feel?.Let us encourage our women to fight for higher employment opportunities.

Feminists and human  right activists must raise their voices. The government must formulate equality policies. Policies that will help eliminate sex discrimination in the work place.

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